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Concurrent Breakfast Sessions

7.30AM - 8.30AM

Your choice of breakfast session to kick off the first day at the FSC24 Conference. Choose to focus on FinTech, Empower Women or our Workplace Savings session. 


Breakfast 2: FinTech showcase

Join us to see a range of exciting 5 minute product demos from New Zealand innovators:

  • Josh Daniell (Facilitator) - Co-founder, Akahu
  • Shaun Quincey - Chief Executive Officer, Simfuni - Modular workflows and payment technology for insurance
  • Diana Papadopoulos - Chief Customer Officer, Booster - Launching the new Savvy product
  • Carl Thompson - Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, SortMe - Personal financial management software for households and advisors
  • Blair Willems - Head, Tempo and Maia Visnovsky - Head of CX & Design, Tempo - New Zealand's first guided investment app
  • Luke Smith - Chief Executive Officer, Orchestra - Equity management and investor relations solutions
  • Alex Robertson - Head of Product, Stake - Combining open banking and recurring investment

See all conference speakers.

Breakfast 1:  How does the "great wealth transfer" apply in the NZ context, and what are the implications for NZ women and our industry?

We look to the challenges of attracting women and others into a diverse and rewarding financial services sector. 


Speakers include: 

  • Prue Tyler (Facilitator) - Founder & Director, SHIFT Compliance Limited
  • Gretchen Williamson - Investment Adviser, Craigs Investment Partners
  • Samira Boock - Senior Associate, Dentons
  • Andrew Williams - Owner & Director, Alvarium

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New Zealand's Climate Response: Disclose, Definitions and Data

This session brings together the key officials from the FMA and XRB to discuss their roles as standard setters and regulators, and how they work together to support the allocation of capital towards activities that are consistent with a transition to a low emission, climate resilient future. Recognising that disclosure is only one element of our response to climate change, we will also discuss a green or sustainable finance taxonomy and its role in enabling capital allocation for sustainability outcomes.

Come ready to ask those questions on anything CRD, your reporting, what the activity is coming from our key climate reporting agencies and how you can use your work in the climate space as an opportunity.

Speakers include:

  • Daniel Street (Facilitator) - Partner, DLA Piper
  • Michael van Zijl - Acting Manager, Climate Related Disclosures, Financial Markets Authority
  • Jo Kelly - Chief Executive, Centre of Sustainable Finance
  • Amelia Sharman - Director Sustainable Reporting, External Reporting Board (XRB) 

Main Plenary

8.45AM - 10.30AM 

Join us for the first session of the morning with a political keynote and industry panellists on the main platform.


FSC Conference Pōwhiri and Karakia

8.45AM - 9.00AM

Following your choice of breakfast session, our MCs Vanja Thomas and Steven Burgess will open the FSC24 Conference.

Speakers include:

  • Rob Flannagan - Independent Chair, Financial Services Council
  • Haydee Stroud - Acting CEO, Financial Services Council

See all conference speakers.

Political Keynote 1 and Fireside Chat



9.00AM - 9.30AM

In our first Political Keynote, we welcome insights from our new political leaders. We look across the next four-year term and delve deeper into the key issues.

Speakers include:

  • Jack Tame (Facilitator) - Political Reporter, TVNZ
  • Hon. Nicola Willis - Minister of Finance

Sponsored by:

chapman tripp

Panel Discussion 1



9.30AM - 10.30AM


In this session, the panel debate the main conference topic and ask if New Zealanders are truly resilient and how we, as an industry, can support NZ consumers to prosper through policy and education.

Speakers include:

  • Jack Tame (Facilitator) - Political Reporter, TVNZ
  • Jane Wrightson - Retirement Commissioner, Te Ara Ahunga Ora: Retirement Commission
  • Campbell Mitchell - Chief Executive Officer, Fidelity Life Assurance
  • Anna Scott - Chief Executive Officer, Smartshares Ltd
  • Michael Weston - Chief Executive Officer, Partners Life

See all conference speakers.

10.30AM - 11.00AM Morning Tea

Time to stretch your legs, grab a coffee, network and meet the conference sponsors in the exhibition area.


11.00AM - 12.35PM

The next session of the morning welcomes our regulatory keynote speaker, followed by our second panel of the day, focusing on the economy and how the challenges we face might be affecting the sector's ability to build consumer resilience and prosperity.


Regulatory Keynote 1 & Fireside Chat



11.00AM - 11.30AM

Outlook 2030 with the industry regulator, and a chance to delve deeper into the key issues via a fireside chat. 

Speaker includes:

  • Jack Tame (Facilitator) - Political Reporter, TVNZ
  • Samantha Barrass - Chief Executive Officer, Financial Markets Authority (FMA)

See all conference speakers.

In the Spotlight 1


11.30AM - 11.45AM

Research Launch

A quick deep dive into the latest FSC Money & You Research. 

Speakers include:

  • Jack Tame (Facilitator) - Political Reporter, TVNZ
  • David Bishop - Research Lead, Financial Services Council

See all conference speakers.

Panel Discussion 2



11.45AM - 12.35PM

Leading Economists Session: Will we see 2% again?

In this session, economists from across the sector will discuss the economic state of New Zealand and the world. The panel will reflect on the challenges we face, and debate impacts of the cost-of-living crisis, inflation, investments, local events and global challenges.

Speakers include:

  • Jack Tame (Facilitator) - Political Reporter, TVNZ
  • Nick Tuffley - Chief Economist, ASB
  • Henry Russell - Economist, ANZ
  • Gail Pacheco - Professor of Economics and Director of the NZ Policy Research Institute, Auckland University of Technology
  • Mary Jo Vergara - Senior Economist, Kiwibank

See all conference speakers.


12.35PM - 1.45PM

Mix and mingle in the exhibition area over lunch or attend a sector specific lunch session.


Professional Advice



By invitation only: Professional Advice Leaders Lunch

The FMA and industry leaders provide updates on emerging findings from monitoring reviews outcomes-based approach to license supervision.

Speakers include:

  • Russell Hutchinson - Director, Chatswood Consulting / QPR
  • Samantha Barrass - Chief Executive Officer, Financial Markets Authority
  • Michael Hewes - Director Deposit Taking, Insurance and Advice, Financial Markets Authority

Sponsored by:

QPR Logo RGB Logo Main Colour


insurance (1)


Mental health: Can we avoid a scorched earth (income protection or disability) insurance product future filled with mental health exclusions?

Our panel will discuss how we can underwrite, and risk assess for mental health better.

This lunch session will focus in on the key underwriting issues of the day, including a reflection on last year's session about the rise of AI and how the shift is starting to take hold.

Speakers include:

  • Chris Hutton (Facilitator) - Product Manager, Partners Life
  • Shaun Robinson - Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health Foundation
  • Kathie Tutty - Chief Underwriter, Asteron Life

Workplace Savings

Empowering financial wellness through innovative workplace savings scheme initiatives

Join Mark Williamson, Benefits Manager at NZ Defence Force, as he reveals how tailored savings facilities, comprehensive insurances, financial advice, mortgage broker services, and financial capability programmes from the Retirement Commission are reshaping financial resilience for Defence community members.

Mark’s presentation will be followed by a panel discussion between Mark, Prue Tyler (Director of Shift Compliance Limited.) and Michelle Forster (Director & Licensed Independent Trustee) on the challenges, opportunities, and transformative benefits of these or similar initiatives for employers, employees, and their families. This session will be facilitated by Mike Woodbury, Consultant at Chapman Tripp.

Speakers include: 

  • Mike Woodbury (Facilitator) - Consultant, Chapman Tripp
  • Mark Williamson - Benefits Manager, NZ Defence Force
  • Prue Tyler - Director, SHIFT Compliance Limited. 
  • Michelle Forster - Principal, Heathcote Investment Partners and Licensed Independent Trustee

See all conference speakers.

Breakout Sessions

1.45PM - 2.45PM

In the first of our sector specific breakout sessions, we are pleased to offer specialist panels covering Insurance, Investment and KiwiSaver, HealthTech and Professional Advice.





FinTech Innovation and Open Banking: how is global innovation driving NZ's future?

Open banking was born with simple aims in mind: to give customers control over their data and to encourage competition, transparency and better customer outcomes. In unison with the rise of open banking, FinTech innovation is rapidly advancing new business models, providing diversity and accelerating scalable export opportunities.

Hear insights from Fintech sector leaders identifying core challenges, opportunities and experiences that will promote the right sized, best fit for New Zealanders and businesses that provide financial services for New Zealanders.

Speakers include:

  • Adrian Smith (Facilitator) - Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder, BlinkPay
  • Colin Wallis - Executive Director, Digital IdentityNZ
  • Holly Rennie - Director Consulting, Deloitte
  • Ralph Bragg - Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer, Radiam (UK/AU)

See all conference speakers.

Investment and KiwiSaver 1



Tweaking KiwiSaver or full-scale review?

In this session, the panel discusses the ins and outs of KiwiSaver reform, what should be included and why, and debates the proposed Government changes to KiwiSaver.  

Speakers include:

  • Penny Sheerin (Facilitator) - Partner, Chapman Tripp
  • Nigel Jackson - Chief Executive Officer, BT Funds Management
  • Harry Koprivcic - Chief Executive Officer, Guardian Trust
  • Anna Scott - Chief Executive Officer, Smartshares - NZX

See all conference speakers.

Life and Health Insurance 1



Genetics, how far have we come?

With significant work underway in the FSC since the Genetics Masterclass at the 2023 Conference, we will look at how the debate is taking shape and the future of genetics and insurance in NZ.

Speakers include:

  • Russell Hutchinson (Facilitator) - Director, Chatswood Consulting / QPR
  • Michael Hobbs - Head of Claim Approvals, Southern Cross Health Society 
  • Ingrid Thorn - Head Underwriting L&H ANZ, Director L&H Reinsurance, Swiss Re 
  • Kimberley Gamet - Interim Service Clinical Director and Senior Genetic Counsellor Genetic Health Service NZ, Te Toka Tumai
  • Dr. Robert Young - General Physician, Auckland City Hospital

See all conference speakers.

Professional Advice 1



The critical role of the advice sector: Driving trust

As technology improves productivity and the new financial advice regime is embedded into New Zealand, what are the lessons of delivering professional financial advice in 2024 and how can it drive trust and access for more Kiwis?

Speakers include:

  • Kylie Bryant (Facilitator) - Partner, Deloitte
  • Angus Dale-Jones - Executive Director, Corporate Trustees Association
  • Josh Frankland - General Manager IT Shared Services, Partners Life
  • Jonathan Taylor - Founder and Managing Director, OMNIMAX Software Solutions
  • Carmen Vicelich - Founder & Global CEO, Valocity Global

See all conference speakers.

2.45PM - 3.45PM

In the second of the conference breakout sessions, we are pleased to offer specialist panels covering Insurance, Investment and KiwiSaver, Regulation and Diversity & Inclusion. 


Investment and KiwiSaver 2



The demographics: NZ in 30 years - what will our retirement look like?

With over 65s set to double in the next 30 years, the panel looks at the demographic shape of NZ now and in the future. We’re living longer, but not necessarily healthier. What is the role of NZ Super and what will shift? What products would the sector be offering to support New Zealanders’ retirement in addition to KiwiSaver? Are there other settings and structures to transition into retirement other than accumulation? What is financial wellbeing in 2060?

Speakers include:

  • Chris Di Leva (Facilitator) - Head of Multi Asset and Global Investments, Harbour Asset Management
  • Ralph Stewart - Managing Director, Lifetime Retirement Income
  • Kim Mundy - Senior Economist, ASB
  • Jeremy Muir - Partner, MinterEllisonRuddWatts

See all conference speakers.

Health Insurance 2



Lifespan versus Healthspan: How technology can help drive healthier living in older age.

This session will delve into the recent FSC Insights and Trends research that focused on the ageing global population, and how technology can turn the tide from simply ageing to ageing more healthily.

Speakers include:

  • Arishma Singh (Facilitator) - Adviser Partner Manager, nib
  • Cecilia Robinson - Founder, Au Pair Link, My Food Bag & Tend
  • Kate Reid - Partner, Deloitte

See all conference speakers.

Life Insurance 2



CEO Strategy: a view from the top

In this session we invite CEOs and key figures in the life insurance industry to share what keeps them awake at night and how the industry can collaborate to better protect New Zealanders and drive a sustainable life insurance sector.

Speakers include:

  • Steven Burgess (Facilitator) - Chief Executive Officer, Compliance Refinery
  • Alissa Holz - Senior Vice President & Deputy CEO, Australia & NZ, RGA
  • Nick Stanhope - Chief Executive Officer, AIA
  • Michael Weston - Chief Executive Officer, Partners Life
  • Lee Mauger - Chief Transformation Architect, PWC

See all conference speakers.

Diversity and Inclusion



Resilience & Prosperity for Gen Alpha and our younger generation

Often finding it the most financially tough, research shows that younger generations appear less engaged in finances.

In this session, we ask, with financial capability in schools programmes now in place, and Government commitment to further support it, what's going to shift the dial for Gen Alpha and our younger generation?

Speakers include:

  • Emilie McCallum (Facilitator) - Partner, Mosaic FSI
  • Simon Brown - Co-CEO, Banqer

See all conference speakers.




Using S to drive your ESG Strategy and practices

This diverse panel explores topics of relevance to New Zealand, including why you need to be considering and implementing human rights due diligence and supply chain risks and how you need incorporate Social considerations into your business planning for 2024 and beyond. We note that if the Modern Slavery Bill is introduced to Parliament prior to the Conference, we will definitely be covering this also. 

Speakers include:

  • Rebecca Kingi (Facilitator) - ESG Initiatives Lead, ANZ
  • Gemma Livingston - Director Human Rights and Social Impact, KPMG
  • Natalie Caton - Partner, DLA Piper
  • Andrew Jamieson - Partner, Sustainability, Climate & Nature, PWC

See all conference speakers.

3.45PM - 4.15PM  Afternoon Tea

Time to stretch your legs again, grab afternoon tea and meet the conference sponsors in the exhibition area before heading to the sundowner main platform session.


4.15PM - 5.00PM

Join us back in the main platform for our closing keynote speech, where we invite Minister for Regulation Hon. David Seymour to close Day 2, followed by our Day 2 wrap. 




4.15PM - 4.35PM

Empower Women

Following the launch of FSC Empower earlier in the year, this session will delve into Empower, why the FSC have created it and what the Empower brand is striving to achieve.


4.35PM - 5.00PM

To close out the day, we invite our guest speaker to the stage before our MCs Vanja Thomas and Steve Burgess take us through their highlights of the day and preview Thursday's sessions.

Speakers include:

  • Hon. David Seymour - Minister for Regulation 

See all conference speakers.

Pre-dinner drinks and FSC Awards Dinner

Award Glass-01



The FSC Awards Dinner follows pre-dinner drinks, and this year we will be pleased to welcome award winners to the stage, followed by a chance to share the company of colleagues, peers, and enjoy some entertainment. 

Speakers include:

  • Madison Reidy (Facilitator) - Senior Business Journalist, New Zealand Herald 
  • Hon. Andrew Bayly (Keynote Speaker) - Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
  • David Lamb - Partner, PWC