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Policy Masterclasses

2.30PM - 4.30PM

There will be a choice of four 2-hour pre-Conference Policy Masterclasses from mid-afternoon prior to the main conference sessions on 4 & 5 September 2024. 

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Policy Masterclass 1: Leading the charge - increasing employer KiwiSaver contributions

This practical masterclass will debate the solutions to address the fact that New Zealanders are simply not saving enough for their retirement.

With the recognised need to increase contributions and with only the majority matching their employers 3% investment, the debate will focus on what will drive increased contributions and significant growth in KiwiSaver to provide dignified retirement, what is it going to take to get there, who will drive the change and what are the key levers to shift.

Speakers include:

  • Sharon Mackay (Facilitator) - Strategy Lead, Fisher Funds
  • Ana Marie-Lockyer - Chief Executive, Pie Funds
  • Murray Harris - Head of KiwiSaver, Retail & Distribution, Milford Asset Management
  • Simon Power - Chief Executive Officer, Fisher Funds
  • Tom Hartmann - Personal Finance Lead, Retirement Commission

See all conference speakers.

Policy Masterclass 2: Looking forward to 2030 - A brave new world?

With insights from data, psychology of risk and digging into the social value of insurance, what is the industry really doing to drive accessibility and affordability to the New Zealand insurance sector?

Speakers include:

  • Mark Banicevich (Facilitator) - Head of Industry Engagement, Partners Life
  • Bronwyn Kirwan - Chief Commercial Officer, Fidelity Life Assurance 
  • Mark McClenahan - Head Life & Health NZ and Head Pricing & Product ANZ, Swiss Re
  • Nick Kirwan - Independent Insurance Consultant
  • Shamubeel Eaqub - Economist, Eaqub & Eaqub Limited
  • Steve Wright - Independent Advice Coach

See all conference speakers.

Policy Masterclass 3: The Perception Gap - Upskilling Kiwis one financial step at a time

This practical masterclass delves into the Perception Gap, the difference between reported financial confidence and actual financial capability.

There are a range of behavioural bias that effect our capability, including over confidence through the Dunning-Kruger effect that drives capability. With approximately 7,000 professional financial advisers, how can we influence 5 million+ New Zealanders?

Speakers include:

  • David Whyte (Facilitator) - Managing Director, DCW Management Ltd. 
  • Anna Livesey - Head of Customer Experience, ANZ 
  • David Bishop - Research Lead, Financial Services Council
  • James Blair - Wealth Director, Lighthouse Financial
  • Jeremy Graham - Chief Executive Officer, FNZ NZ

See all conference speakers.

Policy Masterclass 4: Solutions to grow inclusivity in financial services

This practical masterclass looks with a Diversity. Equity and Inclusion lens at issues surrounding engagement in financial services, working in the sector and trust. Why are our social groups so different and how do we need to change to drive more inclusivity in financial products and services?

Speakers include:

  • Joe Consedine (Facilitator) - Head of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, ANZ
  • Chloe Gallagher - Partner and Chief People Officer, PWC
  • Dean Anderson - Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Kernel Wealth 
  • Dr. Pushpa Wood - Director of Financial Education and Research, Massey University
  • Tom Bayliss - Principal Adviser, Financial Inclusion, Reserve Bank of New Zealand

See all conference speakers.

Networking drinks

4.30PM - 7.00PM

Sponsored by: 

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Unwind and catch up with the financial services industry as we enjoy drinks and canapes after participating in the Masterclasses. This evening also welcomes those invited to the pre-drinks and networking on the first day of the FSC Conference 2024. 

Speakers include:

  • Campbell Mitchell (Welcome) - Chief Executive Officer, Fidelity Life Assurance
  • Rob Flannagan - Independent Chair, Financial Services Council
  • Haydee Stroud - Acting Chief Executive Officer, Financial Services Council
  • Matt Whineray - Chair, FirstCape

See all conference speakers.