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Policy Masterclasses and Networking

2.30PM - 4.30PM

There will be a choice of four 2-hour pre-Conference Policy Masterclasses from mid-afternoon prior to the main conference sessions on 4 & 5 September 2024. 

4.30PM - 7.00PM

Following your Policy Masterclass, join us for drinks and canapés with industry peers.


Policy Masterclass 1: Leading the charge - increasing employer KiwiSaver contributions

This practical masterclass will debate the solutions to address the fact that New Zealanders are simply not saving enough for their retirement.

With the recognised need to increase contributions and with only the majority matching their employers 3% investment, the debate will focus on what will drive increased contributions and significant growth in KiwiSaver to provide dignified retirement, what is it going to take to get there, who will drive the change and what are the key levers to shift. 

Speakers include:


Simon Power - Chief Executive Officer, Fisher Funds

Sharon Mackay

Sharon McKay - Tahi Project Partnering and Product Support Lead, Fisher Funds (Facilitator)

Murray Harris

Murray Harris - Head of KiwiSaver, Retail & Distribution, Milford Asset Management


Looking forward to 2030: A brave new world?

With insights from data, psychology of risk and digging into the social value of insurance, what is the industry really doing to drive accessibility and affordability to the New Zealand insurance sector?

Policy Masterclass 3: The Perception Gap -  Upskilling Kiwis one financial step at a time

This practical masterclass delves into the Perception Gap, the difference between reported financial confidence and actual financial capability, there are a range of behavioural bias that effect our capability, including over confidence through the Dunning-Kruger effect that drives capability, but with approx 7,000 professional finance advice professionals, how can we influence 5 million+ New Zealanders?

Policy Masterclass 4: Solutions to grow inclusivity in financial services

This practical masterclass looks with a Diversity. Equity and Inclusion lens at issues surrounding engagement in financial services, working in the sector and trust. Why are our social groups so different and how do we need to change to drive more inclusivity in financial products and services?