ReGenerations 2021 Online Conference
Our 2021 conference 'ReGenerations' built on previous themes of Wellbeing, Sustainability and Guardianship. The Maori whakataukī (or proverb), He Waka Eke Noa, builds on these themes by highlighting the importance of recovery and going forward together in both good and trying times. With a literal translation 'We are all in this waka (canoe) together' this whakataukī centres in meaning around our whānau and community: being on the same journey, headed to the same destination and leaving no one behind.
The conference was designed for the industry by senior industry leaders, making the event focussed, relevant and valuable for those with backgrounds from right across the sector.
Great content drives great conferences, and in 2021 we again showcased on our main platform New Zealand’s political and regulatory leaders and explored the big issues of the day.

The 2021 conference ran digitally over nine weeks with 16 sessions and two conference day sessions, with breakfast, main plenary and sundowner sessions.
With 148 speakers and over 37 sessions, the ReGenerations Digital Conference 2021 saw over 950 registrations with over 4000 session attendees.
The programme and all conference sessions are available to watch below on demand, and you can read the conference wrap here.
ReGenerations 2021 On Demand
Weekly Sessions Programme
Weekly Sessions
Watch all 16 sessions via YouTube. Most sessions are around an hour long and you can watch the full weekly programme here.
Day 1 Programme
There were a choice of 3 breakfast and sundowner sessions, as well as speeches and fireside chats with key political and regulatory speakers. Read the full programme here.
Day 1 Recordings
We showcased NZ's political and regulatory leaders, and explored the big issues of the day in our industry including hearing from the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Grant Robertson. Watch here.
Day 2 Programme
Again on day 2 there were a choice of 3 breakfast and sundowner sessions, as well as speeches and fireside chats with key regulatory and industry speakers. Read the full programme here.
Day 2 Recordings
Day two saw us in discussion with National's Andrew Bayly, the newly appointed Commerce and Consumer Affairs Spokesperson, and hear two moving life stories. Watch here.
With thanks to our sponsors




ReGenerations conference charity
The Voices of Hope
The Financial Services Council and Voices of Hope have formed a wonderful partnership over the past few years and we were delighted to announce them as our charity partner for the 2021 Conference.
The work they do to create and implement change for mental health through stories of lived experience, is so incredibly important on an individual, communal and global scale. All donations make a huge difference to the work Voices of Hope do and are greatly appreciated.
To make a donation, please visit the fundraising page. We really appreciate all donations.
Click the link to buy ‘Stop Surviving, Start Fighting’, the bestselling book written by Voices of Hope’s Co-Founder Jazz Thornton,.