Get in Shape Logo 2021-05

The 2021 Get In Shape Advice Summits were held in Wellington and Auckland in February 2021, with a live digital stream on 11 February. Christchurch and Dunedin events were postponed to April 2021 due to Covid-19 Alert Levels. We ran a complimentary bonus webinar ahead of the 15 March 2021 transition to FSLAA. 

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Advice Summit On Demand

Masterclass Resources

The practical workshop style Licensing, Disclosure and Advice masterclass refers closely to the FSC Disclosure Guide for financial advisers and offers practical exercises for advisers in the companion workbook.

To view the slides from the Masterclass click here.


Advice Summits 2021 Wrap

A huge thank you to our speakers, marketplace stallholders and everyone that joined us at the Advice Summits. It was amazing to see so many of the advice community coming together for a rare face to face event in Auckland and Wellington and to have the ability to so quickly pivot and offer a bonus online session for the Christchurch and Dunedin audience.

Thank you to those who attended the Christchurch and Dunedin events in person in April. We appreciate your patience with the change in event dates and hope you were able to attend the bonus online session as well as the postponed event dates in April. We are looking forward to the exciting future of financial advice in New Zealand following the introduction of the new regime.

Delegates 2

The financial advice community made up nearly half of the 600+ Delegates across Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. Attendees rated the events 4 out of 5 stars and the session speakers at over 4.25 out of 5 stars.

The Masterclass - 'Licensing, Disclosure and Advice' - was also a huge success with over three quarter of the delegates attending the optional session and rating it as a preferred session.

GIS Star Ratings B

Watch the summit wrap video to find out more, and if you missed the summit or want to refresh yourselves of the content, you can catch-up through the videos and presentations linked below.

Find out more about preparing for the move from transitional licensing to full licensing at the Professional Advice Knowledge Hub now that the new financial advice regime is live as of 15 March 2021.

View the full wrap document.

What did you enjoy most?

  • Really enjoyed the movie making session, but also all the content was uplifting and positive ... appreciated that
  • Interacting with real people, not digitally
  • Hearing others concerns & the MP update
  • It was all useful and informative. I think the skilful facilitation of sessions and great MC contributed a lot. The various presenters were all terrific.
  • The clear and concise directions of the speakers as to the new regime
  • I think you guys have got things covered here, including tickets being texted the day before with the link, it was super easy thanks
  • Well organised event – quality speakers – face to face contact and networking opportunity to talk with other people and regulators and officials.

With thanks to our sponsors

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kiwi adviser network_logo logo-compliance
compliance refinery_logo NIB
Professional IQ College Icon-01


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The Advice Summit in pictures

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